Weekly Bulletin: October 24 - 31, 2021

Events This Week

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RCIA: Catholicism 101 Faith Class
Sundays @ 10:30 AM - University Catholic Center
Have questions about Catholicism? You're not alone. Faith should touch every corner of our lives. We know it can be intimidating to walk through those doors, but we've been expecting you. If you're interested in becoming Catholic, receiving the sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation, or wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith, consider joining us for Rite of Christian Initiation classes weekly on Sunday.
Catholic Chat
Sundays @ 7:00 PM - Lil's Dining Hall Patio
Do you have questions about the Church? Do you want to think aloud – and with others – in a comfortable, informal setting that encourages participation and exchange? Join us for open-minded, in-depth conversations about pressing issues and hot topics in Catholicism!
Community Rosary in the Marian Garden
Mondays @ 1:00 PM - University Catholic Center
Members of our community will be praying the rosary together in our Marian garden on Mondays at 1 PM and we invite you to join us!
Quaero: Theology for Non-Theologians
Thursdays @ 7:00 PM - University Catholic Center
Quaero: Theology for Non-Theologians is a 5-week theology discussion group that meets for about one hour to explore major questions about the Catholic Faith in a communal setting. The topic for our Fall 2021 series is “Catholic and the University”. Optional readings can be found here.
Fellowship & Adoration Night
Fridays @ 6:30 PM to 8 PM - University Catholic Center
The Fellowship and Adoration Night is a student-led bible study focused on growing in faith and experiencing Christ's presence in our lives through the practice of adoring the Eucharist.

Intercollegiate Picnic on the Freshman Quad
Saturday, November 6 @ 1:00 PM - Freshman Quad
We invite you to join us for free food 
Fiat: An Intercollegiate Day Retreat
November 12-13, 2021 - Sign up here
It's important to periodically step away from the hustle of your daily life to immerse yourself in prayer and reflection. Join us for this one-day retreat at the University Catholic Center, presented by the Catholic Student Union and led by Fr. Brian Baker.

Student Leadership Teams
Are you interested in supporting Catholic students by creating prayer, fellowship, and service opportunities during the 2021-2022 school year? Your gifts are what make our ministry thrive, and we'd love to have your help! Join us at an upcoming meeting or reach out to the student President at your campus for more info:
Maria VillarrealAgnes Scott College CSO President
Sean Woo, Emory University CSU President
Ann Elizabeth Farthing, Oxford College CSU President

Faith In Action

A Prayer to St. Joseph, Defender of Life
This prayer and many more can be found here

Catholic Climate Petition
Catholic Climate Covenant invites you to join your voice with thousands of individuals signing this climate action petition across the U.S. Catholic community as a faith-filled appeal to President Biden and the U.S. Congress to work beyond partisanship and create climate solutions to care for present and future generations and our common home.

No Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Petition 
The Hyde Amendment and similar laws have protected taxpayers from funding elective abortion for 45 years. Now, powerful members of Congress want to take away these laws that both Democrats and Republicans have supported for nearly half a century. Billions of taxpayer dollars could be used to pay for abortion. It is critically important for Catholics to send a strong message before Congress moves forward to impose taxpayer-funded abortion. Take action and sign the petition to Congress at NoTaxpayerAbortion.com

Mass Schedule

Donate Online to Support Our Ministry

Thank you for your continued support
The University Catholic Center continues its mission of proclaiming the good news of the gospel at Emory University and Agnes Scott College thanks to your sacrificial support. Our ministry relies heavily on your generosity to cover expenses related to ministry, staffing, and more, and we feel abundantly blessed that we are able to continue our evangelistic work in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. We humbly ask that you consider making a contribution.
Support the University Catholic Center through your purchases!
Do you regularly shop at Amazon or Kroger? We're excited to share that you can sign up to have a percentage of your purchase price donated to the University Catholic Center for every order you place!
Simply click on the links below, sign in to your account, and select the University Catholic Center at Emory University as your organization of choice. Then, whenever you make a purchase at smile.amazon.com or at Kroger using your Kroger Rewards card, a contribution will be made on your behalf!


Contact Us
1753 North Decatur Road, Atlanta, GA 30307
(404) 636-7237
View individual staff emails

Office Hours
Monday through Thursday, 10 AM to 4 PM


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