RCIA Sponsors

Want to grow in your faith and help others grow closer to Jesus and His Church? Become an RCIA sponsor!


What is a sponsor?

It is the custom of the Church that a sponsor is present at the celebration of the sacrament of Baptism or Confirmation. The function of the sponsor is; A) together with the celebrant who baptizes or confirms, to represent the Church in receiving the person into the communion of the Church; and B) to support the person in living the Catholic Christian life. They are obliged to assist the candidate by guiding, advising, modeling, and nurturing the individual in their understanding of the Faith.

As a Sponsor

  • You would be a supportive friend for someone who has chosen to become a member of the Catholic Church.

  • You pray for your candidate to seek and follow God’s will.

  • You get to know the candidates and sponsors participating in RCIA by attending RCIA sessions and Rites.

  • You support the RCIA process by facilitating table discussions, prayer experiences, and rites.

  • You DO NOT need to be an expert in Catholicism or be able to answer all the questions your candidate may have. Just be there to support them and encourage their questions. Your own knowledge and faith will grow with theirs!


Have you been asked to be a godparent or Confirmation sponsor? What an honor! According to the Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law, sponsors must:

  • Be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church

  • Be at least 16 years of age

  • Have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation

  • If married, be in a valid sacramental marriage

  • Not be bound by canonical penalties

  • Not be the father or mother (of one being baptized)

Additionally, we require you to be a registered and active member of the University Catholic Center or another Catholic parish for at least 3 months. An active member:

  • attends Mass on a regular basis,

  • supports the parish through the giving of time, talent, and treasure, and

  • receives regular communications from the parish.